Shieldwerx Flux Wires are available for spectral or flux-mapping in research or power reactors. Small diameter, high purity wires can be inserted directly into the limited space in the core of reactor to obtain this valuable information.
Shieldwerx offers a broad selection of high purity Flux Wires. A spectrographic analysis of impurities is furnished with each wire. Shieldwerx also offers Cadmium Tubing for shielding the wires in order to measure epithermal neutron fluxes. Flux Wires are available in standard packages of 10 feet. Other quantities are available upon request.
Combination Wires Kit SWX-1650 series
Shieldwerx also offers a Flux Wire Evaluation Kit for testing the application of a wide variety of Flux Wires. It includes five feet (1.52m) each of 14 different high purity Flux Wires as well as 5 pieces of 12-inch Cadmium Tubing.
SWX-1650 Combination Wires Kit
Ag, Al, Au, Co, Cu, Dy-Al, Fe, In, Mn-Cu, Mo, Nb, Ni, Ta, and Ti